Monday, March 30, 2009

Chicken Adventure

The chicken's have flown to the coop!! The Chicks are settling into their comfy new home. Brian did a great job of building a cute coop (cute is my number one requirement in chicken coops). They have a heat lamp in the hen house with them, since it's been a bit chilly (3 inches of snow) this week. The girls like exploring around their home as well.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Soldier Adventure!

Brian's brother David is on an important kind of Adventure right now, he is serving in the Marine Corps and has been deployed to Afghanistan. As a family we had a Family home evening to learn about Afghanistan and to make Uncle David a package. Brian made a really cute card for David (He's the crafty one in the family) and Hyrum made several cards for David. He wanted to make one like Daddy did and cut it out all by himself. We are really proud of Uncle David and can't wait for him to get back.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TV Adventure

Today some of my dearest friends, Melanie Schenck and Alana Swenson, and I took the day off from our kids (Thanks to their great husbands and my great sister) and we went down to the Channel 4 TV studios to see the show Good Things Utah filmed. I had never actually watched it before, but it was a lot of fun. Alana and I both won a book, we got to sample wedding cake and we got the recipe for deep fried Twinkies!! After we went to lunch and did a little shopping. The best part was hanging with my girls. What a fun adventure!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Adventurous Dramma (Grandma)!

My Mom is great! She is always willing to help any of us kids out, but this time when I say "She Rocks!", I mean it literally.

Mom works at the Clearfield Library. She often brings home books, dvds and CDs especially if they look new. I was looking today at three such CDs she had brought home. One was Natalie Cole, good Grandma fare, one was some group from the 60s, and the final one was... Bon Jovi! Yes my Mom selected Slippery When Wet for her listening pleasure this week. What a lady!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fun with a stick

Today we were outside pruning the fruit trees to get ready for spring. Hyrum loves to play with branches that are cut off. He was carrying a couple around when he said to us, "Now it is time for a performance, it will be called Fun with a Stick." Then he proceed to do a 'musical number' with two sticks. It was very funny.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Las Vegas Adventure

This last weekend we had the opportunity to have a small adventure with Kaydee and Paul down in Las Vegas. We really enjoy visiting in the spring and fall because the weather is gorgeous and there are lots of fun hikes to do right out of vegas. We hiked on Mt. Charleston and had a fun time tromping through the snow. Hyrum kept telling us we had to follow him, because he was the "instructioner". The next day we went with little different biome, and hiked around the Calico hills of Red Rock. Hyrum loves "hiking in the mountains!" We also enjoyed hanging out in Kaydee's beautiful home and being outside in the sun, I miss the sun in the winter.